You are President or Board Member of the official Chihuahua Club (or ToyClub) in your country and you want your Club joining ICC. Your role is essential and we need you into ICС! Please read the statutes and join us in the project! Your delegees will have right to vote.
You are living in a country with no official Chihuahua Club (or ToyClub) and you want to join ICC as an Individual Person. Please read the statutes and join us. You will be able to bring ideas and support ICC but this is a special membership with no right to vote.
Your are living in a country with an official Chihuahua Club (or ToyClub), but your country's club decided not joining the ICC and you want to join it as an Individual Person, you can! This is also a special membership with no right to vote but you will be able to bring ideas and support ICC. This subsciption will ends the year your country club will join ICC.