5 December 2024
20:00 (UTC+1) Central European Time ZoneWhen

Dr. Andrea Del Carro
Specialist Veterinary in reproduction and has his own practice «lunovet» in Menton, France.
He is graduated from the ECAR (European College of Animal Reproduction) and member of the ESSVAR
(European Veterinary Society for
Small Animal Reproduction).
Him and his wife are Chihuahuas breeders under the prefix «Lookum».
This seminar is FREE for every members of the National Breed Club (and ToyClubs) who have joined the INTERNATIONAL CHIHAHUA CLUB & Individual ICC Members.
You have to register your participation by ZOOM form and you will receive your Free Access.
This seminar costs 20 euro for everyone who wants to join. Payment could be done by bank transfer (IBAN: CH31 8080 8009 4119 4970 4)
or PayPal (internationalchihuahuaclub@gmail.com).
You have to register your participation by ZOOM form and send us a proof of payment by email before the 2nd December 2024: internationalchihuahuaclub@gmail.com
N.B. Make sure you noticed the registered name on the proof email.